My goodness, it's been a long time since I posted anything. Last year and into this year, I had some computer issues. The 10 year old computer was so-o-o-o slow, I didn't even want to turn it on. This past spring I got a laptop and DSL. It was like moving into the modern world. I've been spending time trying to get all my files off disk and onto the laptop.
Last summer I helped to co-found a craft group at church. There were only 2 of us and we were a bit too ambitious. We were hoping more people would join us. We spent the next 4 months frantically making items for the craft fair. Some people did donate a few items but they didn't come to the biweekly meetings. The craft fair did pretty good. We made $950 for the church's capital campaign fund.
We've been making stuff for this year's craft fair but it's going to be our last craft fair. We were hoping more people would join us but after 1 1/2 years, it's still the 2 of us. We're going to continue the ministry and meet twice a month but we're going to work on our own items.
I took a class in shuttle tatting this past September. It took me awhile but I got the hang of it. I still have a lot to learn. This evening I learned a new way to make the basic stitch which is so much easier than the way I was taught in class. The technique is called Reversed Riego. I'm really excited about this new technique.
I've also gotten back into living history. I can't do the overnights at the Civil War battle reenactments so I'm involved with a historical home that's part of the State Park system. This time it's 1875 so I had to make a new outfit. Thankfully I don't need a bustle. 1875 can be in the Early Bustle period or in the Natural Form period. We decided to go Natural Form.
The skirt is flat in the front with the gathers in the back. The blouse is fitted and has a peplum attached. The peplum is a short overskirt or ruffle attached at the waistline in the back of a jacket, blouse, or dress. The pattern I used was very proportional. Thankfully my friend Rita helped me alter the bodice.
I've been printing out some of the vintage periodicals, especially those on tatting. I need to tat period appropriate patterns at events. I want to add some tatting as a collar on my bodice and it's really hard to decide which pattern to use because I don't know how large I should make it. There are several patterns I like. I think I'm going to go with a smaller collar. I can work on it while I'm at events.