I attended my first
Tat Days sponsored by the
Palmetto Tatter's Guild. I signed up for Christmas Tree Jewelry, the Serenity Angel, Tidy Tatting, 3-D Northern Star, Tatted Owl, and Silver Bells classes. The teachers were very helpful and didn't mind teaching a technique that wasn't covered in their class.
The tatted pieces that were on display for judging were absolutely gorgeous. I took photos because they were great inspirations. I'm hoping to find time during the year to make something to enter next year.
The entire event was absolutely wonderful! Everyone was so nice. People would smile and wave as they came out of the elevator as if they had known you for years.
I won two door prizes -- a miniature pitcher (turned into a pincushion) & basin decorated with tatting at the banquet on Friday night and two shuttles at the gathering after dinner Saturday night. The majority of the shuttles were Starlit but there were two Aerlit shuttles. Guess which ones I picked!?!?! Aerlit, of course. :) Right now, that's my number one bobbin shuttle.

I didn't get to finish any of the projects while I was in class but I was able to finish the Christmas Tree earring last night. I still need to make the second earring. That was my first beaded project on a shuttle. As soon as I look up the directions for a split chain, I'll have a second project done.
I purchased my second
Shuttle Brothers
wooden tatting shuttle. This one was made from olive wood. My first one was from buckeye burl which is a blue-colored wood. I want to
get a double shuttle. I was debating about getting one on
Saturday but decided on the single bobbin instead since I do a lot of 2 shuttle patterns. I didn't know then that
there are other reasons for using the double bobbin other than the tweed
look. I'm going to get a double bobbin in red cedar. There was one there and it was very pretty but someone else picked it up.
It was interesting to see what everyone used to carry their tatting supplies & tools in. It certainly has given me some ideas instead of just using plastic boxes.
I brought home several quilt blocks to enhance with tatting and embroidery. It will be for next year's fund raiser. The theme for next year is Tatting, Tea, and Toffee.
I'm definitely going to attend next year's Tat Days.